Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top 5 NFL Quarterbacks of 2020

          Today, the Dallas Cowboys announced that they will be going with Matt Cassel at starting quarterback for next week's game (Matt Cassel to start).  This announcement brought up a few emotions for me.  First, as a Philadelphia Eagles fan, it made me a bit sad because the Cowboys have a better shot at winning with Cassel than they did with Brandon Weeden.  The announcement also got me nostalgic for the time when Cassel looked like he could be a top quarterback in the NFL (back when Tom Brady went down for the year and Cassel took them to the playoffs).  In light of the constantly changing dynamics in the NFL, where a player can be great one year and awful the next, I just wanted to take a look at what I consider the top 10 quarterbacks in the NFL.  However, because right now is extremely fickle, I will instead look at the top 10 quarterbacks for 5 years from now.  Of course, this does not include any incoming rookies, so it likely will not be super accurate.  Just enjoy it for what it is.  Also, while I recognize 5 does not go especially deep, we're talking relative "elite" status here.  Also, I'm sure my top 5 will anger enough people it and of itself.  Approximate ages at the start of the 2020 season will be in ().  I'll go from position 5 to position 1.

5.  Blake Bortles (28)

           Yes, I believe the current Jacksonville Jaguars signal-caller could be the 5th best quarterback in the league in 5 years.  What could possibly lead me to believe this?  Well, he was drafted 3rd overall last year.  That sort of thing tends to be a pretty good indicator of talent.  Also, he is finally starting to show some of his immense potential with the Jaguars this season (63.7 QBR).  And, the Jaguars really have nowhere to go but up.  Bortles prototypical size, along with a true will to compete, leads me to believe he can be something special.  Also, on the will to compete comment, Bortles has been dealing with a pretty iffy offensive line in Jacksonville, along with fairly pedestrian talent around him since he was drafted.  Taking those shots time and time really shows guts.

4.  Teddy Bridgewater (27)
          Another member of the 2014 NFL Draft, Bridgewater was snagged at the very end of the 1st round, 32nd overall.  The Vikings actually traded into this pick, and it is looking like a great decision so far.  The Vikings made a semi-push for the playoffs just last season, and have a solid shot this year, albeit in the NFC North with the Green Bay Packers.  Bridgewater brings a little more mobility to the QB position, and overall he just makes the smart plays.  If he keeps up his development, and the Vikings continue to surround him with weapons, Bridgewater could ascend faster than originally intended.

3.  Andy Dalton (32)
          Alright, if my rankings hadn't been frustrating you so far, they probably are now.  However, why can't Dalton be the 3rd best quarterback in the NFL 5 years from now?  This year he is looking far better than in the past, and even just in the past he has taken the Cincinnati Bengals to the playoffs his first 4 years in the league.  For all the knocks on Dalton for losing playoff games, people may be lining up for the bandwagon if he can finally get the Bengals over the hump this year.  5 years from now, he'll be at an age for the prime of his career, and definitely should still be in the elite conversation.

2.  Aaron Rodgers (36)

          The talent level...it's honestly not fair.  There is not really much to say for Rodgers.  He's a 2-time league MVP, and he could get his 3rd this season.  I highly doubt he won't still be among the elites in 5 years, especially seeing as his NFL starting career was a bit delayed to begin with by some guy named Brett Favre.

1.  Andrew Luck (31)

          Andrew Luck is the prodigal son, the chosen one, the one to take over for the great Peyton Manning.  This year has been a bit rough for him (he's currently last in the NFL for QBR among qualifiers) but that really should not undo all of the things he has shown already.  Give him time; he's going to be historically great.

Honorable mentions: Russell Wilson, Derek Carr, Cam Newton, Marcus Mariota, Nick Foles

          Do you have any comments regarding this list?  Anybody I missed?  Do you believe all of these players are going to plummet away from elite status?  Let me know what you think in the comments section below!  As always, constructive comments/critiques are welcomed.  
          Also, if you have an idea for what I should blog about next, let me know!

Sources: http://espn.go.com/nfl/qbr

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