Monday, October 12, 2015

Around the World with the NFL

It has come to my attention recently that the NFL is looking to expand games into other countries (besides the London games over the years).  Mexico City is seen as an especially attractive destination for a game series, and a few owners/coaches have already sounded off on that particular option (Art Rooney II's comments, Ron Rivera's comments).  Mind you, these particular comments are from an owner, and a coach that actually has Mexican heritage.  So there’s a bit of a vested interest there. 

This vested interest from team higher-ups does not necessarily mean players will be on board, nor that they should be.  The NFL has taken a lot of flack, especially in recent history, over player safety.  International games and extra travel do complicate the claim of concern for the players.  However, let’s just let that sit for now because honestly a blog detailing the NFL’s record with player safety….yeah, that’d take awhile.  I don’t have a day to write that.  Anyhow, if the NFL wants to go to Mexico City, Germany, etc., I can give them some more ideas that would be great for growing the brand that has seemingly already taken over America!  Here are my top 5 suggestions for where the NFL should go next, with just a little bit of reasoning behind each one.


5.  London
            Ok, so the NFL already has games going on in London each year.  There have been 12 regular season games in London since 2007, and there will be 2 more this year (Bills-Jaguars and Lions-Chiefs).  So, why would I say London?  Well, the Patriots have actually played in a couple of the games over the years, but those were against the Rams and Buccaneers.  What we really need is two teams with extremely patriotic names to go at it in London.  New England Patriots vs. Philadelphia Eagles?  Or New England Patriots vs. Dallas Cowboys?  I mean, really, would the crowd really get what was going on in those examples?  The mere fact that the Patriots have played in London with nothing weird about it is amazing to me.  Let’s up the ante a bit.

4.  China
            I recognize that saying China does not really narrow this down much, seeing as the country is massive.  However, playing a game or a few in China would increase NFL exposure over there, especially when the NFL still sort of needs to compete with the NBA and MLB.  I honestly couldn’t find any players in the NFL that are directly of Chinese descent, so finding 2 teams for this game would likely be a bit random.  Still, the exposure level would be high.

3.  Spain
            My reasoning is pretty basic on this one.  I just really want to hear the comments about how it is “Hand-Egg” and not “Football.” 

2.  Alaska
            Technically, this is part of the United States.  However, Alaska is pretty limited in its ability to get football, in part because of population/isolation concerns.  If an NFL team did end up in Alaska though, the populace would likely swarm to it.  There is not a ton of other professional sport competition.  Also, as far as weather goes, would it really be worse than an East Coast Winter?  Well, yes, it would, but that’s just part of the fun.  The league would need to be all over the situation from a legal/safety standpoint though.

1.      Canada
I’m actually pretty surprised we still don’t have an NFL team in Canada.  It is the “National Football League” after all.  Anyhow, this would give the NFL a chance to take Canada from hockey.  Because really, if there was a really a challenge to Goodell’s supreme authority as a commissioner, it was being compared to NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.  Somehow, Goodell could make himself more hated in Canada than Bettman, and that’s a true accomplishment.

If you want a little bit of amusement, check this out (Why Canada should hate Bettman?).


            Are there any other particular countries you want to see the NFL expand to?  Give the country and your reasoning down below! 

            As always, constructive comments/suggestions are welcome.  Anything in particular you want me to discuss next?  Let me know!

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