Sunday, December 6, 2015

Johnny Football!

Great photoshopping
          Josh McCown recently went down with a season-ending injury. Do you know what that means? We are so close to Johnny Football Time again! However, there is a player in the way: Austin Davis. Due to Johnny Manziel's partying ways and subsequent lying, he has been demoted to the end of the quarterback depth chart for the Cleveland Browns. Manziel has generally performed at best decent, and at worst horribly for the Browns. Of course, it can't all be blamed on him; this is the Browns we are talking about. However, due to all of his issues, many have come out and discussed where Manziel could end up next season, assuming the Browns finally do part ways with him. However, because that may not necessarily be the case, I wanted to get an idea for Manziel's possible destination without assuming he leaves town. Thus, I'll run down my top 5 directions for Johnny Football next season.

1. Dallas Cowboys
          Why not? Actually, there are a few things here. First, owner/GM Jerry Jones tried to draft Manziel last year, and was overruled at the last second. Also, with Tony Romo dealing with major injuries this season, the Cowboys have had to go with Brandon Weeden (another failed Browns 1st-rounder) and Matt Cassel (who couldn't stick it out with the Bills). Suffice to say, it hasn't gone well-neither Weeden nor Cassel has won any games with the Cowboys. How could Jones get this deal to work though? Maybe just offer Jimmy Haslam a stake in an actually successful team? Or offer the Browns Greg Hardy. Seriously, just imaging a trade where Manziel is traded for Hardy. Trades like that are what Twitter was made for.
          I should note that many people have suggested this, and Jones actually commented on it all recently. So, this part is a bit less original.

2. Washington football team
          Yes, I refuse to use its current name. However, why would Washington go with this when Kirk Cousins has been performing so well? Well, for one, it's Kirk Cousins we're talking about. On the road versus at home, he's basically a different person. Up until this season, he was very underwhelming as well. Also, what else would Manziel need to fight against to start for Washington? Oh, just another under-performing, mobile former Heisman winner. 

3.  Philadelphia Eagles
          I'm an Eagles fan, and frankly this is only here because I'm seem to like the anguish that comes from thinking about this possibility. The Eagles could trade Mark Sanchez for him. The Browns get a competent signal-caller (sort of), and the Eagles get excitement..? Actually, something tells me Chip Kelly is currently planning on trading all of the Eagles' main skills players for Manziel right this second. *Read, sarcasm*

4. Canadian Football League
          If it's good enough for Tajh Boyd, it's good enough for Manziel. It wouldn't even be unprecedented; former Heisman winner Troy Smith played a few years in the CFL as well. So go forth, Manziel! We send you to Canada as punishment for them giving us Justin Bieber.

5. Cleveland Browns
          The only way this happens is if coach Mike Pettine gets canned. That'll probably happen anyway. So, really, Manziel will more likely than not be back with the Browns next season. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel a little bad for Johnny Football. the feeling's gone. Back to partying!

Do you have any questions/comments about this or any other blogs? Do you want to tell me I'm an idiot? Did you not understand the tongue-in-cheek tone to this blog, or not understand the sarcasm? Leave a comment below!

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